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Learning Welsh – The Journey Continues! July 2024

Learning Welsh – The Journey Continues!

My learning Welsh – Dysgu Cymraeg – journey continues. Learning Welsh has always been on my “to-do” list and it’s something I wish I had done sooner!

I started learning Welsh “properly” last September. I enrolled at the local college in Pwllheli and I have been attending every Wednesday evening. It’s a slow process, but because of the pace it’s easy to retain all the new words, phrases and grammar.

Now that we are in our summer holidays, the learning doesn’t stop. The College are fantastic at organising “Panad a Sgwrs”, “Peint a Sgrws” (Cuppa and Chat, Pint and Chat) and several other events outside of college. It’s a chance to meet other learners of all levels and practice speaking Welsh. I love it!

In July, I attended the week-long Summer Course at the College. There were 100 people – all learning Welsh. We were separated according to our level and it was a time to brush up what we had already learned as well as mixing with other levels to do different activities. I went on a history walk around Pwllheli – I didn’t realise how much Pwllheli has changed as the years have gone by – at one time most of Pwllheli was underwater! There were quizzes and chats with other learners at higher levels. On the last day, the Welsh singer Elin Fflur came to the College to sing some of her songs. Elin won Song For Wales and she is a famous Welsh singer.

So, I’ve already been to a couple of Peint a Sgwrs and next week I’m off for on a tour of Purple Moose Brewery in Porthmadog.

September will see me back at College to complete the second part of the Entry Level course.. onwards and upwards!!

People who are learning welsh standing outside Pwllheli Colleg

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